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Langsett Parish Council Year End Accounting Statements and Annual Expenditure

Please find below links to the Financial Accounting Documents, as required by the Transparency Code.

All items of expenditure are listed in meeting minutes.  

 Year ending March 2024
Notice of Excercise of Public Rights 2023-24 
S2 Accounting Statements 2023-24
S1 Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
Internal Audit 2023-24
Bank Reconciliation 2023-24 
Certificate of Exemption 2023-24
Langsett Parish Council Variances 2023-24


Year ending March 2023
Notice of Exercise of Public Rights 2023.pdf
Annual Governance Statement 2022-23.pdf
Certificate of Exemption 2022-23.pdf
Annual Accounting Statement 2022-23
Bank Reconciliation 2022-23.pdf
Variances 2022-23
Internal Audit 2022-23


Year ending March 2022
Notice of Public Rights 2021-22
Annual Governance statement 2021-22
Annual Accounting Statement 2021-22 
Internal Audit 2021-22
Certificate of Exemption 2021-22
Bank Reconciliation 2021-22
Variance Analysis 2021-22

Year ending March 2021

Notice of Public Rights 2021
Annual Governance statement 2021
Annual Accounting Statement 2021 
Internal Audit 2021
Certificate of Exemption 2021
Bank Reconciliation 2021
Variance Analysis 2021

Year ending March 2020 

 Notice of Public Rights 2020
 Annual Accounting Statement 2020
Annual Governance statement 2020
Internal Audit 2020
Certificate of Exemption 2020
Bank Reconciliation 2020
Variance Analysis 2020

Year ending March 2019 

 Exercise of Public Rights 2019
Accounting Statement 2019
Governance Statement 2019
Internal Audit 2019
Certificate of Exemption 2019
Bank Reconciliation 2019
Variance Analysis 2019

Year Ending March 2018

Exercise of public rights

Accounting Statement 2018

Governance Statement 2018

Internal Audit Report 2018

Exemption certificate 2018

Bank reconciliation 2018

Variance analysis 2018

Spend over £100 2018

Year Ending March 2017

 Excercise of Public rights 2017

Accounting Statement 2017

Annual Governance Statement 2017

Internal Audit Report 2017

External Audit 2017

Bank Reconciliation 2017

Explanation of significant variances 2017

Items of Expenditure over £100 2017

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

Year Ending March 2016

Annual Return 2016

Bank Reconciliation 2016

Explanation of significant variances 2016

Annual Governance Statement 2016

Internal Audit Report 2016

External Audit Report 2016

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2016

Items of Expenditure over £100 


Year Ending March 2015

 Annual Return 2015

Bank Reconciliation 2015

Explanation of significant variances 2015  

Annual Governance Statement 2015

Internal Audit Report 2015

External Audit Report 2015

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2015

 Items of Expenditure over £100