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NOTICE OF VACANCY Parish Council (please see Notice below)
Langsett Parish Council Notice of Casual Vacancy 2025.docx
Langsett Parish Council would like to invite you to a display of historical photographs of Langsett
History of Langsett in photographs
Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 2024
in Langsett Barn
Residents 11am to 1pm
Open to all 1pm to 3pm
Refreshments available
MONDAY 15th JANUARY 2024 6pm Langsett Barn
Free defibrillator training - please book with
the Clerk 07724 755236 or
e-mail clerk@langsettparishcouncil.org.uk
South Yorkshire Stages Road Rally Sunday 10th December 2023
Residents Handbook including route can be found on the website below
Saturday 4 November 2023
BUT COME AND MEET the Yorkshire Water Rangers and Parish Councillors
at Langsett Barn
11.30am for refreshments
South Yorkshire Police info
What you can do to help reduce burglaries:
**Any products suggested below are not Police accredited or tested and are only options. Please conduct your own research before buying to make sure the product is right for you. We will NOT be accountable for any purchases that do not fit you requirements.
ØAlarm your property and if you hear your neighbours alarm then don’t ignore it. ConsiderYale/Ringalarms**
ØPerimeter alarms are also great as they detect when people enter your land. Consider HOSMART Sensors for rural properties**
ØCCTV is good,but not as good as an alarm and usually more expensive to install. ConsiderRingDoorBells**
ØTimer switches and/or Smart Light routines to turn on lights when you are not in. ConsiderPhillipsHue/TPLinkLighting**
ØConsider SmartWater for marking valuables and electronic property tags for putting in handbags etc. ConsiderApple/SamsungTags**
ØConsider forming an official Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
ØReport any suspicious activity through your Whats App Group Administrator.They will then decide if its relevant and needs forwarding to Police team.(If we do not respond to the WhatsApp within a timely manner consider reporting to 101/online.)
ØIf safe to do so, obtain photographs or video of any suspicions vehicles and/or persons seen.
ØIf you own a business please register your CCTV cameras on our Digital Asset Management System.
(Please speak to your WhatsApp Group Administrator who can provide you with a leaflet about how to register.)
ØSupport your neighbours by talking with them when you see them,especially elderly or vulnerable neighbours.
ØRegister with SYPAlerts for updates and crime prevention advice from your local NPT.(https://sypalerts.co.uk)
A summary of the scheme and its keys points from an applicants’ point of view can be found:
The official page, which provides more detail (eg. the full terms and conditions of the scheme) can be found here:
Public Rights of Way
How to check where the rights of way are
Landowners etc information on putting in temporary alternative route if possible
Please email to publicrightsofway@barnsley.gov.uk for advice.
Attached poster for use as required:
Dog Fouling around Langsett Reservoir
Dog fouling is a persistent problem in the Langsett area and a constant battle for the Peak District National Park Rangers and local volunteers that try to keep the area clean and tidy.
If you are out walking in this beautiful area please pick up after your dog and put it in one of the bins in the Langsett Barn car park or the bin in the Flouch Yorkshire Water car park. Alternatively bag it and take it home with you if you do not find a bin.
One of the most unsightly things is when people hang their dog foul bags in trees or on gate posts!
Barnsley Council dog wardens are currently patrolling the Langsett reservoir area that is within their remit and will issue fixed penalty fines to those found offending. They will also advise dog walkers of the legislation.
Better Broadband Campaign
Information on the national better broadband campaign and details of grants available. Click here: Better Broadband
Penistone Social inclusion Project launched
Please see leaflets attached for information on this social inclusion project being run in conjunction with Age UK.
Age UK project poster
Age UK project - information for those that wish to be involved
Social Inclusion project - leaflet for older people
Superfast Broadband
Superfast broadband is the next generation of broadband − providing a faster and more reliable service.
It uses fibre optic technology to deliver speeds which can top 80Mbps.
The Superfast South Yorkshire project is a joint project with South Yorkshire Local Authorities to bring superfast broadband to rural areas across the region.
Engineers from BT Openreach are currently working hard to survey the area to ensure the most efficient roll out of superfast broadband across South Yorkshire.
First moorland-themed apps launched – and they are free to download
Discovering more about the beautiful moorland landscape, its wildlife and vegetation is now much easier thanks to four new free smartphone apps.
The apps are the first moorland-themed identification guides that have been created to help visitors learn about the uniqueness, beauty and importance of the Peak District National Park and South Pennine moors.
The free apps provide a useful field guide looking at plants, moss, wildlife and some of the landscape features found on moorland.
Available to download on iOS and Android, on smartphones and tablets, or even as a printable pdf, the new apps have been created as part of the Moors for the Future
Partnership’s MoorLIFE project.
MoorMOSS, MoorPLANTS, MoorSIGHTS and MoorWILD have been designed with the Peak District and South Pennines in mind, but will be useful on moorlands across the UK.
MoorLIFE Project Manager Laura King said: “We produced the apps so that people can learn more about the wonderful landscapes that we have worked on to restore to their
former glory. Thanks to the EU funding we’ve completed conservation works to protect 2,500 hectares of moorland, that will increase the numbers of plants, and sphagnum mosses that you’ll be able to spot out on the moors. And we hope that you’ll have more chances to see more wildlife as our works improve these vital habitats.”
These handy new apps, which will work without a phone signal, help you identify and learn about things you come across on the moors.
MoorMOSS - looks at Sphagnum mosses found in the Peak District and South Pennines. It focuses on the various species of moss, lichen and liverwort you are most likely to see.
MoorPLANTS – a guide to ferns, flowering herbs, shrubs, trees and grasses. The app provides text descriptions and photo galleries to help you identify the interesting plants which are found in the area.
MoorSIGHTS - gives you a feel for some of the types of landscape features you are likely to encounter on a walk across the moors. With text that covers key features and a photo gallery for each entry, some of the mysteries and gems of these moors will be explained.
MoorWILD - focuses on the birds, insects, mammals and reptiles found on the moors. With the text and photographs provided you will soon be putting names to the animals that make our moors unique.
To find out more or for links to download MoorAPPS go to http://www.moorsforthefuture.org.uk/moorapps