Header Image for Langsett Parish Council

Useful Community Contacts & Links

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Barnsley Council Logo

Switchboard: 01226 770770
Or to report to a specific department:

Abandoned Vehicles – 01226 772468
Discarded Needles Collection - 01226 775656
Dog Fouling - 01226 772468
Flooded Roads – 01226 773555
Fly Tipping – 01226 772468
Fly Posting – 01226 775656
Footpaths (roadside) – 01226 773555
Footpaths (public rights of way) – 01226 772142
Graffiti Removal: 01226 775656
Gritting/Snow Clearing – 01226 773555
Litter – 01226 775656
Neighbourhood Pride Enquiries - 01226 775656
Road Repairs – 01226 773555
Road Sweeping – 01226 775656
Street Lighting Faults – 01226 774200
Potholes - 01226 773555

Useful Community Contacts

South Yorkshire Police Non-Emergency – 101
Email: penistonesnt@southyorks.pnn.police.uk


 Police Logo

Yorkshire Water (Public Sewers) - 0845 124 2424


 Yorkshire Water Logo

Peak District National Park – 01629 816200
Email: customer.service@peakdistrict.gov.uk
Website: http://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/


 Peak District Logo

Rail and Bus Travel Enquiries
Travel South Yorkshire advice line 01709 51 51 51


Travel Yourkshire Logo

Highways Agency
(for issues with A616, A628)
All Enquiries & fault reporting 0300 123 5000
Email: ha_info@highways.gsi.gov.uk


 Highways Agency Logo
MP for Penistone & Stocksbridge

Miriam Cates MP

 0114 288 3034

Maria House, 3 Fox Valley Way, Sheffield, S36 2AA




Barnsley Dial a Ride Service

Below is a link to the bus service provided by Dial a Ride. This is a flexible door to door bus and shopper service for the Penistone rural areas.

The only criteria is that you have to register for the service and pre book.

Barnsley Door to Door Information

Penistone West Local Councillors
There are three elected Councillors on the Penistone West Ward of BMBC, they represent the community on Council matters.

Councillors David Greenhough, Hannah Kitching, Mandy Lowe-Flello

 (link below:)


Local Tourism Websites


Post Office 
Find your nearest post office